In the current climate moves are being made to make cultural studies more accessible for schools to include in their lessons and educational programmes. The establishment aims are to offer more opportunities for pupils to gain from an equality- based delivery of cultural studies. During this they can learn how people living in different environments navigate the same life experiences that are common to us all
Traditional dances and rhythms is a great foundation for young and older people who want to develop their music and dance skills. We are available to come and take sessions or residencies in your school or venue as we are confident in knowing that Learning dance and drumming from Africa will bring great benefits to children and those who aspire to improve themselves through having an inclusive approach towards self development.
We have found that many children who experience our classes show clear signs of Improvement with coordination, concentration, listening skills and confidence in expressing themselves. All these benefits are delivered In a great fun but focused environment, where children are taught the techniques of dancing and playing the drum, whilst accessing the energy and vibration from this ancient instrument.
Constant exposure to Traditional Dance and Drumming can really help with:
Feeding the right and left-brain hemispheres, helps with confidence, concentration, focus and bringing more happiness to the being.
It helps with mathematics by looking at how the peoples of Africa and other similar continents use or structure their rhythms, choreography, and move their body while playing or dancing. while keeping in often complex time signatures.
Physical and mental wellbeing- The African method of using the dance and drums to maintain one’s body and mind is remarkable and does promote a longer and more fulfilling life.
Complex board games or anything similar contributes to the maintenance of brain power and mental well-being.
Teaching History as the languages played on the drums and at times other percussive instruments can be a record keeper of events going back for centuries in some cases
Teaching Geography through the Migrations of people from Africa to other parts of the earth.
Teaching Astronomy In how records of the heavens and its movement are kept and recorded in various ways through the drum, drawings in sand, caves and rocks, Parchments, Sculptures, and ancient structures.
Here are the Options for our workshops with schools
1 Just drumming workshops for any age group
Cost £150 Morning-£300 (All Day). One tutor
2. African Dance workshop, This cost more as I use a drummer to help with the class.
Cost £250 £400- two tutors
3. A mix of one group drumming and one dance
Cost £250 – Morning -All day £400
4. Assembly for the whole school
Costs £200
5. Assembly Followed by workshops in Morning £300 all day £450
: For all the above workshops you will need to contact me to finalise the timetable of the proposed activities
We also offer Residencies Ranging from:
2 Days
3 days
Set number of weekly classes
Peripatetic weekly classes – This option is open for any schools but is suitable for those who are not financially able to book Afidance. You can invite parents to pay for drumming and dance lessons with grand perform at the end of term. Contact us to discuss further if your interested in taking up these options immediately above. For me this is the best way to see the real benefits of regular exposure to African Drumming and dance as Teachers and parents are guaranteed to see improvements in their fitness, their focus, confidence, mental health and well being.